Our Mission:  To promote the Fellowship of all Fans, encourage Sportsmanship, and support Charitable Activities.


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This is an open letter to all current PFUFA members, past PFUFA members who have let their status lapse to inactive, all Visa “Hall of Fan” winners, and anyone that has been issued a Draft Card.


As most of you know, PFUFA was formed in 1999.  Since then, Monte Short (our founder), Jerry Vecchia, Ron Rickard, Jeff Pintea, Danny Dillman, Candice Chifici and I have led this organization as President.  Over the years, this organization has made many improvements. Changing our By-Laws and implementing the PFUFA Draft is just one example.  This website and the complete ‘overhaul’ of the 2009 Reunion schedule are others.  Additionally, we are building a stronger partnership with the Pro Football Hall of Fame.


Understandably, not just ‘anyone’ can be a part of the PFUFA.  In our By-Laws, we set ourselves apart from other fan organizations.  (Section I - Qualifications:   Membership shall be available to any person that is honored at the Visa Hall of Fans Exhibit located within the Pro Football Hall of Fame in Canton, Ohio and those persons selected through process, by 80% positive vote of the new membership committee (05) (1 chairman and 4 members), and PFUFA board officers (05), as determined in accordance with reasonable and uniform requirements for membership established by the members.)


As you may know, annual dues are required by all PFUFA members to be in an active status, and the dues period goes from January 1 to December 31.  Last year, we implemented 3 different ways for you to pay your annual dues and remain active.  In the PFUFA Store, you can now pay your dues in one -or- two -or- six payments!  This is only offered online, however, and you must login to the site to pay your dues.  (If you don’t have your ID or have forgotten your password, please contact the site administrator at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..)  Draft prospects/Potential Veterans only need to pay their initial draft dues.  Once a draftee becomes a full member, annual dues will be required beginning with the next calendar year.


I would like to point out that we have three statuses that apply to those eligible to be in PFUFA.  These statuses are based on how the NFL classifies its players.  The first is Active status.  To be active, you have to pay the current year dues.  The second is Inactive status.  An inactive member is someone that has not paid dues for current year.  If a member is not able to pay dues for a specific year, that member may become active again by simply paying current year dues.  All members on the inactive list will be contacted each year to see if they will return to active status.  The third is a Retired status.  After a member has been inactive for 3 years, that member is moved to the retired list.  All members on the retired list will be contacted every 3 years to see if they will return to or become active status.  Once again, to be active, you only need to pay current year dues.  Past/lapse dues do not needed to be paid.  Once you have paid dues for 10 years (consecutive or non-consecutive), the cost of your dues dectreases.


As of now, access to the website is authorized by active members and draft prospects/potential veterans.  On our site, we have all of the contact information for each member, which may come in handy when planning a road trip.  Also, we have a message board which can be viewed by the public, but can only be written on by logged in members.


As stated above, we want every member to experience what the future holds for the PFUFA.  Additionally, there are certain benefits of being “active members.”


Being a part of PFUFA and the Elite Fan Base.  PFUFA is the most well-known fan organization in professional football.  We have been recognized by the Hall of Fame, the NFL, ESPN, and our some of our members are known throughout the league.  We have been featured in books, newspapers, commercials, movies, HBO sports, and many other forms of media.  We even have our OWN movie.  The movie FANatical was made about our fans:  Titletown Clown, The Bone Lady, True Blue, The Captain, Cowboy Bob, Spiking Viking, Pantherman/Ms. Purr, and Arrowman. By being in PFUFA, you will be a part of the upper echelon of professional football fandom.


Attending the PFUFA Reunion and Hall of Fame weekend activities.  Only active members, Potential Veterans, and PFUFA invited guests are authorized to attend the annual reunion.  Every August, we come from across the country and gather in Canton, OH for the Hall of Fame weekend.  We participate in many HOF and PFUFA sanctioned events, including First Play, The HOF Parade, Ultimate Fan Meet & Greets, a visit to the Akrons Children Hospital and the J. Babe Stern Center, our annual Friday night PFUFA Tailgate party and the PFUFA Induction Breakfast held at the Hall of Fame. The members of the PFUFA are one of the main attractions during the weekend.  (Draft Prospects are not invited to the reunion, but may attend as the guest of an active member.  Potential Veterans are invited, however, are not authorized to attend the business meeting due to not being full members)


A Vote in the Annual Business Meeting. The future of this organization is decided by its members.  Each active member has one vote in deciding important topics that may come up.  Additionally, there are open discussions on topics that you may influence with your presence.


Serving PFUFA.   Having a vote in PFUFA business matters is a great honor, but you could have an even greater influence over the course of this organization’s future by becoming a committee member, a committee chairman, or serving as a PFUFA officer.  To be eligible for any office listed, you must be an active member.


The Official PFUFA Challenge Coin.  This coin was designed and presented to the PFUFA members at the 2008 reunion. The purpose of the coin is to show unity and to build camaraderie between our fans. One side of the coin has the PFUFA logo and on the other has the Pro Football Hall of Fame along with your PFUFA year.  Engraved on the edge of the coin is the PFUFA mission statement.  Anyone who is or has been an active member is eligible to receive this coin.  (In other words, if you have paid dues for at least one year, you are eligible to receive this coin.)  More details can be found on the website.


PFUFA Draft cards.  As some of you may be aware, in 2007 at the Annual Business Meeting, the By-Laws were changed and the PFUFA Draft was implemented.  Now, all active members have the opportunity to “hand pick” the next crop of PFUFA Draft Prsopects.  Each active member is given draft cards.  By very selectively issuing these cards to potential new members,  our organization continues to expand further than just the 31 NFL stadiums, but to ultimate fans around the world.  In 2012, the PFUFA inducted its first member who live in England!


Membership Gift.  Each year, PFUFA gives the active members a membership gift.  These gifts have ranged from mini-helmets, to custom made blankets with the PFUFA logo on it, and others.


Trading Cards.  During our Annual Reunion and throughout the football season, most of our members pass out professionally made trading cards of themselves to fans of all ages. These cards are the same quality as Topps and Fleer.  Active members are authorized to have their own trading cards made. Please contact John Robinson, “Big John” This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for more information or to place your order.


Purchasing from the PFUFA Store.   We have many items coming to the PFUFA Store, such as koozies, polo shirts, jackets, hoodies, and others.  We have official PFUFA Rings to commemorate your membership in PFUFA or your induction into the “Hall of Fans.”  (Gold, Silver, and our “Ten Table Ring” are available.)


Access to Pro Football Hall of Fame.  As we build a stronger partnership with the Hall of Fame, it is our intentions to make access to the Hall of Fame free/or nearly free for active members year round.  Currently, admission to the Pro Football  Hall of Fame is free on Sunday to members and guests in attendance at the Sunday PFUFA Induction Breakfast.


PFUFA is an elite group of ultimate football fans who exemplify the PFUFA mission statement in their day-to-day lives.  We display our passion in different ways, but somehow we come together and the sum is greater than the parts.  “What makes PFUFA so special?


You will never find another place on earth quite like the Annual PFUFA Reunion Here, we have Brownies partying with Bengal fans. We have Packers, Vikings, Bears, and Lions fans standing shoulder to shoulder grilling, laughing, breaking bread. We have Raiders, Broncos, and Chiefs fans that have, at the drop of a hat, traveled across the country for each other. We have Redskins, Cowboys, Eagles, and Giants fans literally giving the shirt off their backs for the other. We have... too many examples to list. In short, PFUFA is a family.


We want you to be a part of this family.


Please take a moment to contact us by click here or sending an email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  We look forward to hearing from you soon.



Christie Lopez (Huly),

President, PFUFA


© 2025 PFUFA - Created by:  ZeroPoint Technologies