Our Mission:  To promote the Fellowship of all Fans, encourage Sportsmanship, and support Charitable Activities.


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Our organization has had the privilege of having many OUTSTANDING members step up into leadership positions.  Everyone that has served in an office or on a committee or on the Board of Directors has done so with great results.  We are the organization we are today because of these men and women.  However, there is one office that directly deals with the day-to-day management of this organization.


As outlined in our By Laws, no other position has as much responsibility, requires as much commitment, or has such a profound affect on the future of our organization as does the President.  Due to this, it takes a very special person to be elected and last as President. (You can see the duties and responsibilities of the President at the bottom of this page.)


Before the 2010 Annual PFUFA Reunion, the President had complete authority to make unilateral decisions.  Due to this, the men that held this position could have effectively kill the goose for everyone.  Each one made the "best decision possible" and advanced our organization to the "next level."  In 2010, our organization rewrote the By Laws and created the Board of Directors.  The BOD has oversight of all officers, but the President still remains "in charge."


This page is dedicated to those who has served as President for Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association.  You can click on the images below or their names to see a short biography, list of accomplishments, and other offices/committees held.





Monte Short (Arrowman) Jerry Vecchia (True Blue) Ron Rickard (Raider Ron)
1999 to 2002 2002 to 2005 2005 to 2006




Jeff Pintea (Pantherman) Danny Dillman (Sergeant Colt) Candice Chifici (Go Go)
2006 to 2008 2008 to 2010 2010 to 2013




Karl Sides (Ram Man) Steve Tate (the Owner) Christie Lopez (Huly)
2013 to 2019 2019 to 2022 2022 to present






a. The “day-to-day” administrative powers of this organization shall reside with the President.  The President shall control and manage this organization as he/she sees fit and with the guidance of The Board of Directors.


b. The President shall present at each annual meeting of the organization an annual report of the work of the organization.  He or she shall also preside at any meeting of the officers or members that he or she is present.


c. The President shall supervise all affairs of this organization.


d. The President shall appoint all Committees Chairpersons (temporary or permanent).


e. The President shall be the final authority on all content of the organizational website.  If any item is deemed inappropriate by him or her, the content shall be removed or changed.


f. The President shall see and have access to all bank accounts, books, reports, taxes, and documents required by law are properly kept or filed and will certificate them to be correct.  He or she shall report to the Board of Directors on a quarterly basis the status of all bank accounts, books, reports, taxes, and documents.  By having access to all bank accounts, books, reports, taxes, and documents the organization shall have “Two Person Integrity” at all times.


g. The President shall have a debit card and shall have the authority to spend or enter into contract of any amount up to $500.00 in which the Treasurer is notified and agrees.  The President is NOT authorized to spend any amount of money based solely on his or her discretion (Two Person Integrity).


h. The President shall have specific oversight of the Reunion, Sponsorship, Advertising Committee and all decisions, commitments, and aspects may therein.


i. The President shall have such powers as may be reasonably construed as belonging to the chief executive officer of any organization.






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