Our Mission:  To promote the Fellowship of all Fans, encourage Sportsmanship, and support Charitable Activities.


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Karl Sides (Ram Man)

Seventh President













Elected:  August 2, 2013


Stepped Down:  August 2, 2019



Other officers during Term:


Vice President -           Bill Walters (Bukdog) [Class of 2008] served 2013 to 2017.

                                     Steve Tate (the Owner) [Class of 2009] served 2017 to 2019.

Membership Officer -   Steve Tate (the Owner) [Class of 2009] served 2013 to 2016.

                                     Chip Riley (Fired Up) [Class of 2011] served 2016 to 2019.

 Treasurer -                  Joanie DeKoker [Class of 2003] served 2010 to 2014.

                                     Christie Lopez (Huly) [Class of 2012] served 2014 to 2019.

 Secretary -                  Stephanie Phillips [Class of 2003] served 2008 to 2018.  

                                     Cindy Ricci (Purple Dame) [Class of 2009] served 2018 to 2019.


Short Biography:


When Ram Man began his term, the organization needed to “get back to the basics of blocking and tackling,” and as such, he changed the focus of the schedule and effort for reunion weekend to concentrate on J. Babe Stern Center and the kids.  We still maintained our event at the Hall of Fame on Saturday following the parade and other events, but we began to really direct efforts and donations to the Babe.


Through charitable contributions and working with partners, PFUFA has raised over $50,000 for the J. Babe Stern Center since 2012.  This has not gone un-noticed and has allowed the center to establish the official “Pro Football Ultimate Fan Association Computer Learning Center” in the boys and girls club.  This computer lab will stand as a lasting “Thank You” to our organization from the staff and the kids at the Babe.  Ram Man is particularly proud of this accomplishment, and the Membership Committee holds the final Draft vote on new members each year in the PFUFA Learning Center.  Below is a letter that was sent to PFUFA from Tim Haverstock, Program Director, at the Babe.


PFUFA was also front and center in the 2016 Documentary Film by Grayson Berry, “25,000 Miles to Glory” when he and his film crew traveled the country and interviewed numerous members of our organization. The Netflix premiere kicked off our 2016 PFUFA reunion, and we were hosted at the premiere party in the historic Palace Theater. 



Major Accomplishments in Office:


     -  Raising nearly $70,000 for the J. Babe Stern Center

     -  The creation of the “Pro Football Ultimate Fan Association Computer Learning Center” at the Babe.

     -  Adoption of the Ronald McDonald House as an official PFUFA Charity.

     -  Exercised the Termination of Membership clause in the By Laws.



Other offices/positions held:  


     -  Vice President from 2010 to 2013.

     -  Membership Officer from 2019 to 2021.



Organizational Recognition:


     -  Awarded "4 Star - True Blue - Arrow Award - Salute" (Presidents Choice Award) in 2020.

     -  Inducted into the Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association "Ring of Honor" in 2020.  He is the second living member to receive this honor.




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