Our Mission:  To promote the Fellowship of all Fans, encourage Sportsmanship, and support Charitable Activities.


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Chapter Eight

"Protecting PFUFA while tumbling through the Looking Glass"



Before the masks and self-protection became the norms, our new President was attempting to "protect our logo" and our brand.  Protection on a much lesser scale to be sure, but one of importance to us.


In August 2019, Karl Sides (Ram Man) stepped down and Steve Tate (the Owner) [Class of 2009] was elected the 8th President of PFUFA.  He served for three years from 2019 to 2022, and his Officers are/were:


Vice President -            Tom Dunn (Fanbulance) [Class of 2011] served 2019 to 2022

Membership Officer -   John Robinson (Big John) [Class of 2011] served in 2019

                                     Karl Sides (Ram Man) [Class of 2004] served 2019 to 2021

                                     Chris Lopez (Pez) [Class of 2010] served 2021 to 2022

 Treasurer -                   Christie Lopez (Huly) [Class of 2012] served 2019 to 2022

 Secretary -                   Cindy Ricci (Dame) [Class of 2009] served 2018 to 2021

                                     Sheree Pintea (Ms. Purr) [Class of 2003] ] served 2021 to 2022



Steve took the reigns of our organization in a period of great prosperity.  Reunion attendance was at an all-time high, our contributions to the J. Babe Stern Community Center in Canton, OH enabled them to make necessary changes and dire improvements to their facilities, and our members' travel to the away stadiums was tremendous.  Coin shots were through the roof, and our social media presence was strong and confident.  It was such a time that you might start looking for the cliff or the other shoe....


Of course, it is said that "imitation is the sincerest form of flattery."  That other shoe came when in the form of other fan-based organizations and certain individuals with ill-intent in mind began to saddle up to the PFUFA and attempted to abscond with our intellectual property.  We are quite proud of the fact that other fan organizations have modeled themselves after Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association, and we are happy to assist those with noble purposes to stand up on their feet.  We do not, however, condone larceny.


Steve Tate (the Owner) saw this challenge coming and formulated a strategy to address "Protecting the PFUFA" and codified our long-held beliefs into a PFUFA "Fan Code of Conduct."


Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association is a unique and unprecedented organization.  Our logo, brand, structure, longevity, by laws, and coin represent our beliefs, character, and encapsulates our determination to: PROMOTE FELLOWSHIP OF ALL FANS, ENCOURAGE SPORTSMANSHIP, AND SUPPORT CHARITABLE ACTIVITIES.  We cherish and hold dear our property and identity.  We encourage other organizations to "find their voice" and "their own unique identity."  As such, our President has encouraged our membership to be very careful on how and when our logo, image, and coin might be captured in pictures and used within social media. 


Steve has not only specifically requested that our membership Protect the PFUFA, but that we maintain our unique position of leadership in the stadiums and communities around the country. Steve, along with the Board of Directors, produced the PFUFA Fan Code of Conduct, and during 2019, there were a number of games, local events, and charity activities in which we continued to demonstrate how PFUFA is not only a very passionate group of football fans but the leading fan organization in setting the example.  Our Code of Conduct even reached the attention of some NFL executives and teams. They have commended us and made reference to our leadership among fans. PFUFA continues to lead the way.


In late January 2020, our membership gathered together to shared in fun and fellowship at the 2020 Pro Bowl played in Orlando, FL. Then just two weeks later in early February, more of our members gathered together in Miami, Florida for Super Bowl LIV.  They laughed, partied, and watched the Kansas City Chiefs win their second trophy after a 50 year drought.  It was a great time had by all, and no one knew what was about to happen to the country... the world....


Our organization is simply a microcosm of our culture as a whole. Whether you are looking at it from a worldwide prospective or concentrating in your local community, or favorite football team, PFUFA members serve in all walks of life. We are teachers, executives, lawyers, business owners, sanitation workers, and yes, workers in the Healthcare sector. As such, the COVID-19 pandemic affected us as much as the rest of the country. We had members hospitalized and had love ones pass due to the virus. Of course, like everyone else, we stopped our travel and maintained our inner circle.  


Lockdowns were implemented in March 2020, and the PFUFA leadership began to take immediate action. Communication was going to be the one thing that would save our organization and held it together. As such, Steve, the Officers, and the Board of Directors began holding regular Zoom meetings to determine direction and plans during the beginning of the pandemic. Soon, the meetings were expanded to other members of the organization with the goal of being as inclusive as possible. Having a wider, and more diverse, group to discuss the issues took place to determine the best possible course of action for PFUFA.


By the end of May 2020, the following decisions were made:

  1. The 2020 Annual PFUFA Reunion XXII was canceled.  Our leadership took this stance BEFORE the National Football League, the Pro Football Hall of Fame, and the Canton Chamber of Commerce officially canceled their events in Canton, OH for August 2020.
  2. Communications, documentation, and Virtual Huddles were created and implemented to facilitate the transparency within the PFUFA and to promote togetherness. 

With the cancelation of the Annual Reunion, it also meant--unfortunately--the cancelation of our Charity Event at the J. Babe Stern Community Center on Saturday of Hall of Fame weekend. The world had been turned upside down, and collectively, we were tumbling down the rabbit hole. However, a small group of our members were determined to not allow the kids of the community center to go without. Acting on their own desire to still help the children, backpacks were still stuffed and handed out via a drive thru pick up station so school supplies could still be delivered to them. 

An additional by product of the reunion cancelation was the postponement of the annual PFUFA elections.  Then current officers and directors would hold their positions for another year.  As such, the election cycle shifted one year and remains in affect.


The Draft Class of 2020 was put on hold as well. That year's Potential Veterans were asked to remain in the draft process and were carried over to the 2021 Annual PFUFA Reunion. At that time, ten new members received their coins, but are considered to be the Class of 2020. There is no Class of 2021. The 2020 Annual PFUFA Awards were put on hold, too. 


With all of the cancelations and postponements, it was truly important for our members to still gather together--at the very least VIRTUALLY.  In August 2020, the first ever PFUFA Virtual Annual Reunion was held.  Members gathered together for a three hour period to see each other on Zoom.  It lacked the intimacy of our normal gatherings of course--it is impossible to hug on each other through a screen--but it did fill a void in our hearts.  It was during this meeting that something very special took place.


During the Virtual PFUFA Reunion, Karl Sides (Ram Man) [Class of 2004] was honored by our organization, and became only the second Active Member, to be placed in our RING OF HONOR. You can read his bio and submission by clicking on the image to the left.  Karl served our organization with distinction and held three (3) of our five (5) Officer positions.  He is the longest serving President and held this office for six (6) years.  Congratulations, to you Karl, well deserved!!!


During the remainder of 2020, our virtual huddles/meetings continued.  Many emails were sent to the organization, and we encouraged our members call each other to perform Health Checks.  Of course, we were in difficult and unknown times.  Some NFL teams eventually allowed fans to attend their games during the 2020 season, while other teams just played their games to empty stadiums. 


It was during this time, our PFUFA leadership team specifically created the first “Togetherness” video, as well as created the “We Are PFUFA” documentation.  The goals of both were to bring our organization together when it was impossible to meet physically. There were also committee activities occurring, like the PFUFA Public Relation and Media committee, where DAILY posts on social media were made highlighting different PFUFA members and their activities. Those posts continue to this date. Eventually those posts were place on the PFUFA website, and to the PFUFA Instagram and PFUFA Twitter pages. 


Through early 2021, leadership continued to meet as plans were made to hold the 2021 Annual PFUFA Reunion.  Still in COVID and dealing with restrictions, Steve and the Board made a decision to limit the attendance of the reunion "to a member and one guest with everyone being 21 years old or older."   This did not sit well with the membership, but an overall understanding was present.  Taking in to account the different views, concerns and goals, it was the best course to take.  Leadership was determined to open up our reunion again, but doing so by providing the best environment for our members--especially with vulnerabilities.


At the 2021 PFUFA Reunion our games, contests, and auction were not held, and the J. Babe Stearn Charity Event was limited to the drive through backpack give away.  It was a great--yet unsettling--event.  It was fabulous to see and hug our members again, but there was a very different feel in the air.  Then to make it even more unusual, Steve, the president, became sick at the start of the reunion and had to leave the reunion.  Our officers stepped up to fill the void.  Treasurer Christie Lopez, Secretary Cindi Ricci, Vice President Tom Dunn and Chairman of the Board Bob Hostettler took on additional tasks and leadership roles that resulted in a very successful reunion.  Additionally, former presidents Karl Sides and Danny Dillman contributed where possible.


During the 2021 Annual PFUFA Reunion, the Class of 2020 (pictured to the right) finally received their Coins!!  This class went through something no other class has gone through--a TWO YEAR DRAFT CYCLE.  And they stuck it out!!!  Congratulations to Arizona Cardinals - Kenny Salinas, Dallas Cowboys - Mateo Franco, Denver Broncos - John Buckley (Mile High Prophet), Detroit Lions - Aaron Latimer (Big Lionmane), Green Bay - Packers    Kelley Logan (Kel-Log), Houston Texans - William McLemore (Fire Chief), Los Angeles Rams - Fernando Flores Grajales, Minnesota Vikings - Lindsey Lorentson (Purplelicious), New England Patriots - Chris Barese,  and Washington Redskins - Jeff Rinehart (Hogfarmer Jeff). Those coins look very good in your hands.


Before and after the 2021 Reunion, our PFUFA Huddles (on Zoom) continued with one at least every month.  Committee work continued, and other internal PFUFA structural work continued.  Committees were expended and new ones were created, like the Advisory Committee.  Its purpose is to work with the president when issues and conduct concerns are brought to the president so that they could be discussed, and a course of action determined.


During 2022, Steve, the Officers, the Board, and the Committee Leaders conducted a Strength, Weakness, Opportunity and Thread (SWOT) analysis on the whole organization.  This was a multiple step process, and members were divided into different groups to determine key items and priorities.  The majority of these top action items were discussed during the 2022 Annual Business Meeting and implemented. 

During early 2022, it was decided by Steve and the Board to completely open up the annual reunion.  All members and guests were welcome back, games and contests were back on the schedule, and we went back to the J. Babe Stern Center for our charity event!!!  Life was FINALLY back to normal!  Over 200 members attended the 2022 Annual PFUFA Reunion, the most attended ever!!

Inspirational speeches were given to start the 2022 Annual Business Meeting, which showed the impacts of Steve and the Boards leadership during the COVID crisis.  The meeting was a longer one, but was needed.  New leaders were elected: Christie Lopez (Huly) [Class of 2012] was elected President, Stephan Timchula (Major Offense) [Class of 2015] was elected Vice President, and two new Directors were elected to the Board, Jeff Christiansan (IncredaChief) [Class of 2018] and Ron Runyan (Nomad) [Class of 2017].


The storm raged, the sea swelled, but Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association remained.  We are better and stronger--forged in struggle.  Thank you Steve Tate for your leadership during this time in our history.






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