Our Mission:  To promote the Fellowship of all Fans, encourage Sportsmanship, and support Charitable Activities.


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Enjoy an Introduction Video of our Current Leadership.  (This is not Oscar material, btw...)









PFUFA TreasurerPresident:  Christie Lopez (Huly)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


PFUFA Class:  2012


Team:  Washington Redskins


Elected:  August 5, 2022


Bio:  I am a Washington Redskins Fan Captain and organizer of the Extremeskins tailgate and charity events.  I have supported multiple charities throughout the years but I am an avid supporter of Abby’s Army and Lonely Hearts Animal Rescue. I was inducted into PFUFA as the Class of 2012 Washington Redskins. I have served as Treasurer from 2015-2022 and I have assisted the J Babe charity committee.  I am the 2021 Jason Carlson Beardown J Courage Award recipient. In reality I am just a crazy Redskins fan who loves her furkids and gives back to our community.




Board of Directors

Vice President: Stephan Timchula (Major Offense)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


PFUFA Class:  2015


Team:  Baltimore Ravens


Elected:  August 5, 2022


Bio:  After twelve years with no NFL football in Baltimore, I became a Ravens Season Ticket Holder/PSL Owner and began the journey as a serious fan of the game and the team.  In 2004 I obtained a Chevy Van and turned it Purple and Black with Bells and Whistles to use for Tailgating and advertising my passion.  It was 2008, when the Ravens made a serious move at QB and RB to beef up the Offense that I adopted "Captain Offense"; at the urging of my Tailgate group and to fill in the other side of the Line from the Defense.  In 2011, as the Ravens were establishing yearly visits to the Playoffs, at the urging of another PFUFA Member, it was suggested that the Ravens needed a "Major Offense" and the character was promoted.  My biggest enjoyment from developing the Offense Persona has been the interactions with people that I would not have met without the sport and the passion that we share. The highlight of this experience is being a member of the Pro Football Ultimate Fan Association; since I am able to interact with people from across the world who mirror my passion and believe in Sportsmanship, Fandom and Charitable contributions.  We try to  use our Persona to help others and to assist those who make that their goal.




PFUFA Membership OfficerMembership Officer: Catherine Highland (Broncos Babe)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


PFUFA Class:  2014


Team:  Denver Broncos


Elected:  August 4, 2023


Bio:  Catherine  "Bronco Babe" Highland was inducted in 2014 and served on the Membership committee, including Chairperson, for 6 years.  She is a devoted Denver Broncos fan, mother of 3 grown kids and loves serving her community throughout her life.  She has her on nonprofit, Bronco Babe Foundation, where she utilities all she can with giving to other nonprofits.  Mainly through her 100% charity tailgate Fired Up Tailgate, she's helped raise money for Ronald McDonald House, HopeKids Colorado and Children's Diabetes Foundation.  She received the coveted Golden Hog Award in 2022 and best Tailgater.  She, of course, is ready to feed anyone hungry her home cooking!




PFUFA TreasurerTreasurer:  John Rezsonya (Jags Arrowman)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


PFUFA Class:  2004


Team:  Jacksonville Jaguars


Elected:  August 4, 2023


Bio:  John Rezsonya (Jags ArrowMan) was inducted into our organization in the Class of 2004 and was honored by the “Visa Hall of Fans” as the Jacksonville Jaguars Ultimate Fan in 2003. As the “ArrowMan”, he distracts field goal kickers with his arrow as his season ticket seats are between the South End Zone goal posts. He was a volunteer member of the Jacksonville Jaguars Champions Club for over 10 years and founded the Joe Zelenka Fan Club (9 year long snapper for the Jacksonville Jaguars).


He currently serves as Treasurer of PFUFA and is a Board of Director member of Jacksonville non-profit organizations.




PFUFA  SecretarySecretary: Sheree Pintea (Mrs. Purr)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


PFUFA Class:  2003


Team:  Carolina Panthers


Elected:  August 7, 2021


Bio:  Sheree Doran Pintea Ms. Purr member since 2003.  Lives in Charlotte N.C.  Has attended every reunion since 1999.  Husband Jeff Pantherman Pintea member since 1999.  Past offices and committees:  membership committee, Chairperson Board of Directors, Charity committee, and Secretary.











Board of Directors

Chairman, Board of Directors: Bob Vandenburgh (Predator Hawk)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


PFUFA Class:  2015


Team:  Seattle Seahawks


Elected:  August 7, 2021


Bio:  Bob "PredatorHawk" VanDenburgh has been a Seahawks fan begining in 1979.  PredatorHawk came into existence in 2009.  I was goofing around with a friend pre-game and went to the free face painting in Touchdown City.  I choose the camo motif.  I had just purchased the Dred hat as a joke.  My friend was daring me to wear it.  after the face painting I put the hat on and my friend laughingly said, "you remind me of he monster in the movie Predator.  I'm calling you PredatorHawk!"  It stuck and I've been the PredatorHawk ever since.  In 2014 I was honor with the presentation of a PFUFA draft card.  I am a member of the Class of 2015.  Since becoming a member I have tried to learn about our wonderful organization and be a positive influence.  I serve on the membership committee and in 2021 was elected to the Board of Directors. I still feel the honor and privilege of being a member of such an outstanding organization.




Board of DirectorsBoard of Directors:  Joseph Maino  (Tailgate Joe)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


PFUFA Class:  2019


Team:  New York Jets


Elected:  August 4, 2023


Bio:  Joe “TailgateJoe” Maino, a proud member of the class of 2019, comes to PFUFA from the parking lot of Metlife Stadium in NJ. On the football-fan side of his bio, Joe took his love of the Jets and his natural hospitality instilled in him through his Italian-American roots and turned that from a small group of friends gathering in the lot on gameday into one of the largest game day fan clubs and tailgates in the NFL over the course of 15 years, merging his love and passion for cooking, hosting, and harnessing technology such as social media and web site event registration before anyone in the tailgating space to bring an authentic game day experience to fans from all over the world. 


Joe has been a part of the Social Media Committee, running the Facebook Chat Group since its beginning. Joe also was part of the 2023 Reunion Anniversary Committee and responsible for some of the new and first time events that debuted at the reunion, including the PV Tailgate Challenge and the PV Cocktail Party.


In addition to his experience within the football fandom world, Joe brings experience from several industries as an entrepreneur to the BOD. From his first corporate job fresh off of a year of treatment for Hodgkin’s Lymphoma and while studying Finance at CUNY Baruch College, climbing the ladder from Client Service Rep to Jr Equity Trader on a desk managing 3 billion in assets, to web consulting for a handbag and fashion accessory company and leading to being named Creative Director and traveling regularly between Europe and Asia, to using the rising profile as TailgateJoe to enter into high end catering for corporate and media clients around the country, Joe brings knowledge and experience in a wide and deep range of areas. Today, when not at the game or behind the grill, Joe is a Design Consultant for the preeminent high end garage renovation company in North America.


A 2-time cancer survivor, Joe is an avid traveler, motorcycle and bicycle enthusiast, and holds his 2002 participation crewing in one of the 3 most prestigious ocean yacht races in the world, the Newport Bermuda Race, as the coolest thing he has ever done.




Board of Directors

Board of Directors:  Danny Dillman (Sergeant Colt)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


PFUFA Class:  2003


Team:  Indianapolis Colts


Appointed:  July 6, 2023


Bio:  Danny Dillman (Sergeant Colt) is a member of the Class of 2003 of our organization and was honored by the "Visa Hall of Fans" as the Indianapolis Colts Ultimate Fan in December 2002.  


Since joining our organization, he has continually served in many different capacities.  He is currently the Website Administrator and has created every version of the PFUFA website.  He was the lone and founding member of the Ring Committee and created the first two versions of the PFUFA Ring.  He was elected Vice President of the organization in 2006, was elected President 2008, and was elected to the Board of Directors in 2010.  He was appointed again to the Board in 2023 to serve out the remaining time of a departing director.


Sergeant Colt drafted, edited, and finalized the 2007 By Laws that created the PFUFA Draft.  In the process, he created the PFUFA Draft card, and created the PFUFA Coin.  In 2010, he completely re-wrote the By Laws again and created the Board of Directors, the Membership Officer, terms of office for directors and officers, and the dissemination of power in the organization. 


Since stepping down as president, Sergeant Colt has continued to remain active in the organization and been an overseer and adviser of the J. Babe Charity Events since 2016.  Danny has also been awarded the PFUFA "4 Star True Blue Arrow Salute Award" (Presidents Choice Award) twice in 2007 and 2019.




Board of Directors

Board of Directors:  Jeff Christiansan (IncredaChief)


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


PFUFA Class:  2018


Team:  Kansas City Chiefs


Elected:  August 5, 2022


Bio:  As a lifetime Kansas City Chiefs fan but born and raised in Colorado “Broncos Country” Jeff Christiansan AKA “IncredaChief” has learned what it took to become an Ultimate Fan at a very early age. His first live game experience was on a chilly Monday night game at Mile High Stadium. The famous “Elway vs Montana” game! After comeback Joe beat the Broncos, he knew forever more the Chiefs will be his team!


Jeff now has been a Season Ticket Member since 2015 and is very active in the community! He works with many Families, Kids organizations, Veterans and many more! He is active in the community in Colorado, Kansas and Missouri. In the off season he keeps busy with his Harley Davidson. He rides with His Local HOG Chapter in Aurora, CO and a proud member of the Patriot Guard Riders.  Be on the lookout for “IncredaChief” at a stadium near you!




Board of Directors

Secretary, Board of Directors: Ronald Runyan (NOMAD) 


Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


PFUFA Class:  2017


Team:  Indianapolis Colts


Elected:  August 5, 2022


Bio:  I joined the PFUFA in 2017 as a member of the Indianapolis Colts. In 2018, I joined the Charity Committee to help plan and set up the J Babe Community Center Kids Tailgate at the PFUFA reunion. In 2019, I took over as the chair of that committee and helped to stream line a lot of the planning and logistics that go into that event. I am looking forward to this new role on the Board of Directors and how I can help the organization continue moving forward into the future!








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