Our Mission:  To promote the Fellowship of all Fans, encourage Sportsmanship, and support Charitable Activities.


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Jeff Pintea (Pantherman)

Fourth President













Elected:  August 4, 2006


Stepped Down:  August 1, 2008



Other officers during Term:


Vice President -  Danny Dillman (Sergeant Colt) [Class of 2003]

Treasurer -          Joanie DeKoker (Best Bills Fan) [Class of 2003]

Secretary -          Sheree Pintea (Ms. Purr) [Class of 2003]



Short Biography:


Jeff Pintea (Pantherman) was a member of the inaugural Class of 1999 of our organization and was honored by the "Visa Hall of Fans" as the Carolina Panthers Ultimate Fan in January 1999.  During the early years, Jeff assisted with the forming and structure of the group such as working on our logo, mission statement, By Laws and early plans of our organization.


By 2006, PFUFA had a very low active membership rate, and it was looking like PFUFA might fade away.  The Hall of Fans program had been shut down, and the By Laws of the organization required all members to also be Hall of Fan honorees.  The organization became stagnant.  There was no option for sponsorship for the Hall of Fans, and the Hall of Fame ‘had moved on.’  In addition to these facts, during this time, there were two other major factors in play that prevented the organization from taking immediate action.  First, at this time to properly change the By Laws, the membership had to be notified “one year in advance,” and second, each office holder had to be reelected for his/her held office each year.  Immediately after being elected, Pantherman announced his intentions to change the By Laws in August 2007 to allow for new membership. 


At the time of this announcement, neither Pantherman nor Sergeant Colt had a clue on how to accomplish it.  Thus, in the most historic and crucial moment in PFUFA History, the four officers sat in the lobby of the former hotel (the Holiday Inn in Akron, OH) and hammered out an outline of the PFUFA Draft.  This event cannot be understated or overlooked.  Without the actions of Jeff Pintea, Danny Dillman, Joanie DeKoker, and Sheree Pintea, PFUFA would not exist.  


During the 2007 Annual Business Meeting, many PFUFA many members objected to elements of the Draft, and others outright fought the idea.  That business meeting was the longest held up to that time.  It was not an easy sell, but the membership did pass the PFUFA Draft, and the organization embarked on a new era!!



Major Accomplishments in Office:


     -  Initiated the PFUFA Draft and was able to change the membership structure of the organization.



Other offices/positions held:  


     -  Golf Committee from 2011 to 2015

     -  Secretary from 2000 to 2006



Organizational Recognition:


     -  Awarded the Tommy Nola “Bellringer Friendship Award" in 2006.

     -  Awarded the Tommy Nola “Bellringer Friendship Award" in 2013 (Second Award).

    -  Jeff and Sheree have attended every single PFUFA Reunion.




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