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Cindy Ricci (Purple Dame) was inducted into our organization during the second draft process in the Class of 2009 and was inducted into the Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association "Ring of Honor" in 2024.  She is the fourth living--and first female--member to receive this honor.  She joins Monte Short (Arrowman), Karl Sides (Ram Man), and Danny Dillman (Sergeant Colt) in this prestigious honor.


From the day she received her coin, she has not stopped serving this organization.  Making it better and serving above and beyond what is expected. Due to this, Cindy has become one of our most influential members in this organization, and is consistently sought out for her advice, opinion, or her interpretation of a By Law.  She has improved this organization beyond measure, she has accomplished so much at a great personal cost of time, and she has left her fingerprints of influence on EVERY aspect of this group.  Due to this, you would just assume that she served as President.  You would, however, be wrong.  Instead, she has served in just about every other official role.


In 2010, Cindy volunteered and served on the Membership Committee which was run by the President at that time.  She then assisted the first Membership Officer Joe Texan during the next draft and personally guided and assisted the selection of the Class of 2011.


In 2011, Cindy was elected as our second Membership Officer.  For the next couple drafts, she completely rewrote the Draft By Laws, the PFUFA Draft supporting documentation, and streamed line a process that was at best a “skeletal outline.”  Due to her efforts, Cindy received the “4 Star True Blue Arrow” President's Choice Award in 2011.


She continued to refine the draft process, and assisted the membership officer and committee for the Classes of 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019.


In 2012, Cindy was elected to the Board of Directors and was immediately elected to the position of Chairman (Chairperson).  For the next six years, Cindy led the Board and worked closely with then President Karl Sides.  (Karl might say a little too close.)  However, the betterment of this organization was always front and center of mind.  Personalities and personal agendas were set to the side and the state of the PFUFA was her first priority.  Nearly all the great accomplishments for those six years can be attributed—at the least partially—to Cindy’s leadership.  Additionally, in 2012, Cindy stepped in to assist in overseeing the Annual PFUFA Reunion when the then President was unable to attend.


After the 2012 Retirement of the Washington Redskins Hogettes, our organization decided to honor them with the creation of the Golden Hog Award.  As you might expect by now, Cindy was involved from the start and worked through concept, design, and final decision of the award.  Cindy's influence brought this award to life, and this award codified our mission statement into our Annual Awards with the third pillar.  (In 2020 during the pandemic, the original supplier of the trophy went out of business and more than a dozen companies were contacted to recreate the award.  Only one agreed and their price was over $2,000.  Then (cough cough) a member stepped up to pay the fee, and the organization purchased 10 trophies.)


Once someone has served as President or Chairman of the Board of Directors, you would assume it would be time for a break and “retire.”  However, once again, you would be wrong.  In 2018, Cindy stepped down from the Board and stepped into the role of Secretary.  She served another three years in this office.  And again, her personal comfort and rest was set to the side.  She took it upon herself to make sure this organization had clear and correct member information.  She took over from Sergeant Colt the “Master Membership Spreadsheet.”  This is a VERY detailed and complicated excel file, and is the OFFICAL MASTER RECORD of every member, every eligible Visa honoree, every year of paid dues, and the official status for every member. Additionally, she continued the work of ensuring we had correct contact information for each member.


In 2021, Cindy decided to take a break and stepped down from the office Secretary.  This vacation lasted less than 48 hours.  Our then President came to the Annual Reunion but had to abruptly leave due to personal health reasons.  Of course, our Vice President stepped into the void, but needed assistance.  Again Cindy, along with then Treasurer stepped in to help answer questions, make decisions, and guide the group to another great reunion.


For the rest of 2021, Cindy did manage evade an official title, but did serve as an Advisor to the then Board of Directors and Officers.


In 2022, Cindy apparently decided her vacation was over and was elected to the office of Treasurer.  Then, in 2023, she took a half step down and became the ‘assistant Treasurer.’  She is currently serving in this office.


Now, that was all the "official duties."  So here is description of the UNOFFICIAL one she picked up.


It is un-determined exactly when this UNOFFICIAL position was assigned to or assumed by Cindy, but she has been the unofficial PFUFA Ambassador to our hotel in Dover, OH for over a decade.  She has personally governed the assignment of rooms, worked with the past/current owners, and has personally address “every (uh-hum) incident” that has occurred at the hotel.  Just recently, Tom Pirko has stepped into this role, but Cindy is still assisting.  Our Annual Reunions for the past 10 years would not have been as successful in the past without her efforts to keep our accommodations and rooms straight.


In addition, Cindy has been working with the changes in ownership, management company, and all of the drama with working through securing our hotel for the past few years.  Once again, where would we be without her efforts?


There is one last item to mention, and this one also includes Dave.  In 2013, Dave Ricci decided to propose to Cindy at the reunion.  In one of the great moments of this organization, Cindy and Dave were married at the 2014 Reunion, and it was filmed by NFL Films!!  Tommy Nola (Bellringer) was the ring bearer, the Pope officiated, and everyone participated.  Dave and Cindy celebrated their 10th Anniversary during the 2024 reunion.


This question has been asked numerous times by Voters for the Pro Football Hall of Fame: “Can the History of the National Football League be written without this player?”  That question will always differentiate between the great players and the Hall of Famers.


It is a simple yet ABSOLUTE and RESOLUTE fact that the history of PFUFA cannot be written without Cindy Ricci (Purple Dame) Class of 2009.  CONGRATULATIONS CINDY RICCI ON YOUR INDUCTION INTO THE PRO FOOTBALL’S ULTIMATE FAN RING OF HONOR!!!!






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