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Tim McKernan (Barrel Man) was a member of the inaugural Class of 1999 of our organization, was honored by the "Visa Hall of Fans" as the Denver Broncos Ultimate Fan in January 1999, and was inducted into the Pro Football's Ultimate Fan Association "Ring of Honor" in 2009.



In all types of weather for thirty years, Tim McKernan attended every home game (minus four games) at both Mile High Stadium and INVESCO Field at Mile High wearing nothing but an orange barrel that covered his torso, a cowboy hat, and boots. On the colder days, he would add a pair of gloves.  His iconic barrel started with a simple bet, and it turned into a national icon of fandome.  



He first wore a barrel in 1977 after making a $10 bet with his brother over whether wearing one would get him on television.  He won, wearing one painted to resemble an Orange Crush can.  The soda was also the nickname for the defensive of the late 1970's.  For a short time in the 1980's, Tim also wore a gold-painted barrel for the short-lived United States Football League (USFL) Denver Gold.  Due to health reasons, Tim retired his barrel after the 2007 season at the age of 67, but announced that he would continue attending games in normal dress.



All over the country, and especially in Denver, Tim became an ambassador of being a fan.  Many looked up to him and sought his advice.  Additionally, Tim served as our Vice President in 2006.



He began to have serious health issues in 2003 after an abdominal aneurysm ruptured.  While staying in the hospital, the Monday Night Football broadcast team spent more than a few minutes talking about Tim and wishing him good health.  After that time he was restricted by doctors to wearing his barrel for one half of the game, and then only when the temperature was above freezing.



Tim passed away on December 5, 2009 of respiratory failure caused by idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.  Three PFUFA Presidents attended and spoke at Tim's services.  In November, 2012 the Colorado History Center honored him with a statue and an exhibit called Denver A to Z: "Adrenaline to Zombies and (almost) Everything in Between."



The answer to the most common question ever asked of Tim... "What do you have on under that barrel?"



..."My boots."






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